Modern structural design codes such as the EUROCODES provide a simple, economic, and safe way for the design of civil engineering structures. CodeCal is an Excel-based program for the Reliability-Based Code Calibration of structural design codes, which are based on the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) format. The calibration of the partial safety factors can be performed, following the approach recommended by the Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS). The program can be downloaded as freeware: CodeCal. The tutorial in the list of references illustrates the application of CodeCal.


  • Design situations with one permanent and one or two variable loads are considered.
  • Partial safety factors and load combination factors can be determined corresponding to a chosen target reliability level.
  • State of the art selection of stochastic models for the uncertain parameters.
  • Partial safety factors and load combination factors can be determined considering up to three different materials jointly, e.g. concrete, steel and timber.

Input & Ouput


  • Faber, M.H. & Sørensen, J.D. “Reliability Based Code Calibration – The JCSS Approach“. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability. San Francisco. 2003.
  • Faber, M.H. , Kübler, O. & Köhler, J. Tutorial for the JCSS code calibration program CodeCal 03. 2003.
  • EUROCODE 1. ENV 1991-1. Basis of design and actions on structures. 1993.


Maes, Marc A., (2003), “Re-Calibration of Partial Load factors in CAN/CSA-S471”. Report, submitted to the Canadian Standards Association. April 25, 2003