Methods of reliability, risk and safety assessment are increasingly gaining importance as decision support tools in various fields of engineering. In order to utilize these methods and to exploit their potential in industrial applications, an understanding of the fundamental principles is necessary. The Advanced School aims at educating engineers and researchers to work more efficiently in supporting decision makers and clients for sustainable societal development.
Date and place:
Nov 5 – 8, 2024
The course location is Hunan University, China.
The course is organized by:
- The Joint Committee on Structural Safety (JCSS)
- Hunan University
- Tongji University
- Harbin Institute of Technology
- Beijing University of Technolo
Who should attend?
Engineers involved in probabilistic structural analysis, design and reliability assessment, as well as engineering supervisors and managers will benefit from this course. Further, master and PhD students and academics working in the field of structural risk assessment will profit from this course. Participants are expected to have basic knowledge on basic probability theory, statistics, linear algebra and elementary structural analysis (static/dynamic).
Costs and Registration
Thanks to the sponsorship of Hunan University, a reduced attendance fee is available for all participants. For those attending onsite, the fee is 2000 RMB per person for regular participants and 1800 RMB for PhD and graduate students. Tea breaks will be provided between lectures.
Please submit the registration form via email to Mr. Quanfu Yu at by October 25, 2024.